Monday 24 December 2012

Digital Artwork - Environments

I've always loved ditigal painting, but I never do it enough to actually get any good at it. I've decided that one my new year resolutions was to improve my art - traditional and digital. For digital, I will try and make myself draw two things a week.

I went back and finished the snow painting from earlier in the blog and made some changes. I've also started some environment drawings as shown below. Not all images are finished, but these are the images I'm quite happy with. I've recently started experimenting with different brushes more and changing their settings.
The snow painting about with the trees is the finished version from earlier blog posts. I sorted out the background trees and took away the tree stump.
This is an unfinished piece and after watching Rise of the Guardians, I became inspired to draw something similar to Easter Bunnys place.

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